Pride Of Africa Awards

China-Africa International Children’s Cartoon Competition Committee

International Peace Exchange Foundation
Country Base:

The Peace Cup China- Africa International Cartoon Competition
takes perspective of the African countries in the eyes of Chinese
children and China in the eyes of African children as the breakthrough
point to understand and recognize each other’s national characteristics in
history, culture, religion and so on with the unquenchable childlike
innocence, to create together towards the future of world peace with
colorful brushes.
Our department has long been committed to public welfare
undertakings such as the China-Africa Children’s International cartoon
competition. In the “Egypt, Morocco, Republic of Kenya in the Eyes of
Chinese Children” and other cartoon competition activities jointly held
with Egypt in 2021, Morocco in 2022 and Kenya in 2023, we attracted
thousands of children from various countries. They learned about the
cultures, environments, customs, and traditions of different countries in a
happy, joyful, united and friendly atmosphere, which has been promoting
and enhancing international culture and civil exchanges and friendship.