Pride Of Africa Awards


Country Base:

I have been married for 30 years and a mother of 5 children, one son and four daughters, a Corporate Lawyer by Profession with 12 years of experience in Administration and Human Resource Management.

I hold a Master Degree in Business Law from the University of Benin in Lome (Togo), a Postgraduate Degree in Environmental Management for Developing Countries from the University of Dresden (Germany) and a Master Degree in Gender, Peace and Security obtained at Kofi Annan Peacekeeping International Training Center (KAIPTC, Accra, GHANA).   

My professional experience as a Human Resource top Manager who was involved in staff recruitment for the Telecommunication company where I was working has raised in me the vocation of helping young people to seek for excellence and be ambitious in Life. I have been speaker in African Students forums in China, sharing experience with them and motivating them about Integrity, Self Esteem, Good reputation and so on….   As Fashion Designer, I created a Fashion Brand called CHARMIX and I organize a Fashion Show every year.  I have been giving opportunity to young ladies and men to be trained in Modeling in Beijing; I realized that specific experience has a very positive impact on them because it makes them more self-confident and help them to improve their image and body Langage. I saw young people who was timid and couldn’t look at anybody face to face being transformed and walk with boldness and dignit. I also saw young girls who didn’t know how to carry themselves, how to dress and do make up being transformed into beautiful models and display proudly African design and fashion. It’s a real African pride development experience because Chinese people need to discover the real Africa; not the poor one presented to them by biased media.

 In June 2023, I participated in collaboration with ORIENTAR KINGTEX to the Fashion Show organized at Changsha China-Africa Expo during the China-Africa Textile and Apparel Trade and Investment Symposium (CAETE 2023). During that event I gave the opportunity to 15 young students from different African nations to model and promote African culture.

As Ambassador Spouse, I am a very active member of the Group of Spouses Of Heads of Missions (SHOM Beijing) and the Group of African Ambassadors Spouses in Beijing (GAAS Beijing); we used to promote friendship and cultural exchanges between the diplomatic community and Chinese people, such as Charity Bazars, Charity Galas and also in order to raise funds for charity in China and Africa. In March 2023, I organized in Benin Embassy an event to promote Benin Culture and Fashion. This may appear as normal in the life of an Ambassador Spouse but not every spouses are involved in the diplomatic society and engage in personal activities to promote their nation by their husbands ambassadors.

I am also a Free Lance Consultant in Gender and Development as I hold a Master Degree in Gender, Peace and Security; I used to participate as speaker to forums and conferences related to the cause of women. My passion for the cause of women in the world pushed me to Found in 1918 an NGO called SDAA (Solidarity and Development between Asia and Africa).

Our main objectives are :

  1. to assist women in maternity in Benin, especially mothers of premature babies;
  2. contribute to Family Life Development by sensitizing young men against violence toward women
  3. be a channel for the transfer of Asian good practices and technologies in Vocational Education in order to train young people in Benin who drop-off from school. 

My advocacy for African women in Beijing have open doors for me to get some funds from some Chinese foundations to improve women situation in Benin.